Tamil Nadu is home to 25 hill stations that add beauty to the State. Yercaud, Yelagiri, Coonoor, Kotagiri, Velliangiri Hills, Kolli Hills are just some must visit hill stations in Tamilnadu. And not to forget about the Queen of hill stations "Ooty" and the Princess of Hills station "Kodaikanal. Few things that you would be able to notice while nature sightseeing is the mind-blowing views of the towering mountains; foamy waterfalls emerging from great heights; ever so beautiful lakes; dense forests; and the grasslands.
Located in the state of Tamil Nadu,famous honeymoon destinations in India. Wonderful climate, Cliffs covered in mist, cloud-capped mountains and beautiful lakes and valleys. Find every bit of what you have imagined it to be is TRUE
Located in the state of Tamil Nadu,famous honeymoon destinations in India. Wonderful climate, Cliffs covered in mist, cloud-capped mountains and beautiful lakes and valleys. Find every bit of what you have imagined it to be is TRUE
At a distance of 1 km from Srirangam Railway Station, 9 km from Trichy Railway Junction, 62 km from Thanjavur, 145 km from Madurai & 327 km from Chennai.
The Ramanathaswamy Temple is the most notable historic landmark of India.
At a distance of 120 Kms from Kanchipuram, 195 Kms from Chennai, 204 Kms from Bangalore and 83 Kms from Vellore, the famous Arunachala Temple in Thiruvannaamalai is one of the greatest Shaiva temples in South India.